Jade Sitetree - Sitetree

Jade Sitetree - Sitetree
Project Documentation
Module Documentation
Jade Projects


Welcome to the Sitetree module of the Jade Sitetree project.
The Sitetree can provide the implementation for the generation of a dynamic site structure within a web application. What this means is that navigation bars, link validation, personalized site structure, and security can be generated using the Sitetree. The developer only needs to add the presentation on the JSP page.

Consider the standard left navigation common to many web sites. It presents the following challenges:

  • If the number of pages in the site is large, maintaining the navigation is complicated and error-prone.
  • Should the site require logins, a different navigation structure is required for each view that a user could see.
  • You may want to change the navigation dynamically based on new resources that have been posted to the site.
In short hand-coding navigation is almost impossible for large or complicated sites. They need a subsystem that manages navigation. Sitetree is such a system.

To learn more about Sitetree start reading the documention.

To download the most recent release go here.

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