Jade Sitetree - Layout Tag Library

Jade Sitetree - Layout Tag Library
Project Documentation
Module Documentation
Jade Projects

  1. When should I use the Layout system?
  2. Can I embed one layout tag inside another?
  3. Can I place several layouts on one JSP page?
  4. Can I specify multiple templates in a single template file?
  5. How do <jsp:include ...>'s work?

When should I use the Layout system?

Everywhere, of course ;-)

The Layout system should be used whenever you wish to parameterize the layout of the page. Even a basic HTML page has several fragments that comprise the page. Some common fragments are:

  • header
  • top navigation
  • left navigation
  • ads
  • content
  • footer
Since it is impossible to predict when marketing will come up with the next company branding, it may be prudent to at least parameterize the basic page layout.

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Can I embed one layout tag inside another?

Of course. The tags will still work properly. Note, however, that each DefineTag is associated with its nearest LayoutTag.

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Can I place several layouts on one JSP page?


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Can I specify multiple templates in a single template file?

No. Each template must be specified in its own template definition file. However, you can define a new layout in the template (that refers to another template).

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How do <jsp:include ...>'s work?

Unfortunately, the <jsp:include ...> tag is not supported with the Layout library. You can not place the include tag inside a LayoutTag. Various JSP containers have various behaviors. However, using the <%@include ... %> page directive works just fine. The include tag can also be used in other parts of the JSP page, outside the LayoutTag.

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